Why do businesses grow? Profit motive Businesses grow to make more profit by increasing revenue. Selling more to more people often means profits increase. The valuation of a company's share is often influenced by how it is expected to do in the future (ie how much profit it is likely to make). When it is projected to do well, share prices increase, and it is valued more highly on the stock market. This provides incentive for companies to increase profits, doing well on the stock market increases investment and raises more money. Cost motive - economies of scale When firms are larger, relative costs are smaller. This is because some costs are fixed, so if you are a larger company, producing larger output, the cost per unit will decrease. e.g. If a T-shirt factory's main cost is the £10,000 to rent to factory each month, and it produces only 1000 shirts a month, each shirt costs £10 to make. But if it scales up and produces 100,000 shirts a month, ...
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