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Showing posts from June, 2018

4.1.7 Balance of payments

Balance of payments The current account and capital/financial accounts must balance, so current account +  capital/financial accounts = 0.  Current account: Balance of Trade - Trade in goods . So value of good exports - value of good imports   - Trade in  services. So value of service exports - value of service imports.  Net investment income  Net investment abroad, in the form of interest, profit, dividends, etc  Net profit income, net interest income, etc  Net transfers  Transfers for which no good or service is exchanged such as EU payments, aid, remittances.  Capital and financial accounts  Capital account + financial account  The value of change in ownership of assets, currency, etc . Records net change in ownership of foreign assets, flows of money associated with loans, investment and speculation.  To have a current account surplus, a country must run a ...