Information asymmetry Information asymmetry is a situation in which there is imperfect knowledge, usually when one party has more information than the other. Adverse selection When information asymmetries distort the market before a transaction takes place. e.g. In the used car market, the seller of the car has more information than the buyer, and the buyer knows this. Therefore, the buyer is less likely to trust the seller and will offer less to the buyer. The buyer may think the car is worth £3000, whereas the seller may know it is actually worth £2000. This can lead to adverse selection, which is a distortion of the usual market process. If a seller had a car that was worth more than £3000, they would not put it up for sale, as they would know that no-one would buy it as no-one would trust them enough - the highest quality cars exit the market. This means the average quality of cars on the market would be lowered, so buyers would l...